
viernes, 28 de octubre de 2022

My Bucket List

Hello classmates and teacher!

In English class they made me write a Bucket List when I was in high school about six years ago. I don't remember what I wrote, but since that time I have always had in my mind the things I want to do before I die.


With the death of my grandfather in April of this year, I realized that life is very short and can change drastically in a second.

I would like to travel.

I would like to see the places where my favorite movies were filmed and I would also like to go to Disney World with my sister because she has always wanted to go there and I would like to fulfill her dream. I would also like to travel to Japan because I have always loved Japanese culture. I would love to be able to be in that country for as much time as possible. Also, I would like to give my mom and her husband the trip they have always dreamed of.

During the last summer vacation I have seen most of northern and southern Chile, but I would love to see much more. I hope to see as many places and cities as possible.

Another thing I would add to my Bucket List is to have my own house or apartment. I would like to live with my boyfriend, since we have talked about this topic and we have a life plan and we want to realize many projects together.

I would like to share most of these projects and desires with my family.

None of the desires that I have so far are difficult to achieve, but I have to study and work hard to be able to achieve them.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Isa, I love that your wish list shows the love you have for your family and loved ones, that makes it very special. I would also like to go to Japan, I find it a beautiful place and its traditional architecture is my favorite. I hope you can fulfill all the wishes on your list.

  2. Hi Isabella, I also included travel to my list. I think they are very nice experiences that will stay forever in our memories.

  3. Hi! I agree with much of what you wrote and more the part about sharing a home with the person you love.

  4. oh that's great, I adore Disney movies and it would be a dream come true to meet Disney and see the characters from my childhood in real life.


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